Saturday, May 29, 2010
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I had an amazing week and it just got even better with today: hiking Mont Sutton with 8 friends. Even though there were quite a lot of mosquitos, we all had our lunch and bottle of water and fought our way to the top. The view was mesmerizing and worth the whole 2 km uphill of struggle. This summer in Montreal looks promising :)

credit: Annabelle Lam
Friday, May 21, 2010
Math and I started a 1000 pieces puzzle. That's how I'm testing my new eyes, by trying to find the right piece that fits an exact spot. I was really too optimistic at the beginning, thinking we would be done by 3 hours... Nonetheless, I love puzzles because it requires a sense of observation, patience and a bit of luck.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Ce matin, ils ont retiré les verres de contact protecteurs. Ma vision s'est éclaircie de manière instantanée malgré que ça reste encore un peu flou (et ce, pendant une semaine et demie environ). Je peine à croire qu'il a suffi 5 minutes d'intervention par mon chirurgien qui a, soit dit en passant, TROIS postdocs (statut de demi-dieu), ainsi que deux journées de pure souffrance pour retrouver une vision que je n'ai pas eue depuis l'âge de 7 ans. INCROYABLE!
Le seul hic est que je dois porter des verres fumés à chaque fois que je suis à l'extérieur et ce, au cours des 6 prochains mois.
Saturday, May 1, 2010
After my KPR surgery, I spent the first two days in total agony, surviving only with painkillers and as much sleep as possible. Each morning, I went back to the clinic to get my eyes checked and surprisingly, the doctors said I was healing quite well.
The funny thing about the whole situation is my father loving the place. He spends the whole trip back and forth marvelling about the nice coffee, the whole stacks of magazines, the fish tank, the sofas, etc. He's actually making publicity for Lasik MD by telling all his friends how wonderful this company is haha. At least someone's very enthusiastic!
Today is the 4th day since I did the surgery and the first day I can actually open my eyes enough to go on Internet and update about the whole process. Even though it's still blurry (because of the protective contact lenses), I appreciate so much the independance of not relying on Math to read my emails, (which he finds lame), FB and the news. Being nearly blind for a few days made me realize how precious is my eyesight.
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