Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Juste pour ma chère Pascale

Je pensais vous épargner les photos de mes nombreux repas en Corée. 
Mais cette photo et le commentaire qui l'accompagne m'ont convaincue du contraire.  
Voici donc une orgie inédite de bouffe coréenne. 

We abused of good, fresh and authentic Korean food.
Au point que j'ai légèrement peur du kimchi maintenant...

Sogogi and Bibimbap
The most awesome thing is that you can order side dishes
over and over again, free of charge!

Brazilian and English guys,
very excited to taste chicken ginseng soup

chicken ginseng soup

bought at the DMZ
super disgusting

rice cakes and giant dumplings soup

This girl looks like she's 10 years old.

Not only did we sleep on the floor,
we also sat on the floor when we had our meals.

colorful (and expensive) treats

street food

omelette stuffed with rice with ketchup and mustard?!?
First and last time I'll ever going to taste that thing.

Korean sashimi night :)

Math enjoying his cheap meal:
instant noodle outside of a convenience store

ice cream waffle time!
strawberry, chocolate and vanilla
n'arrive pas à la cheville des gaufres belges...

You know it's Korean BBQ time
when you see big fans over the table.

cooking it

Even with the cushions on the floor, it's hard for the butt.

onion pancake?!?

grilled fish

Korean version of the fajita:
sesame-lettuce leaf / grilled pork or beef / rice / chili-sesame sauce

a special market where we bought barley bread

street food


  1. So much food... I'm eating right now and looking at your pictures makes me hungry.

  2. Yeah more food pictures!!! Let's go eat now!
