Friday, April 29, 2011

3rd Day of Open Water Diving Course

The alarm wakes up Math, Daniel and I. Time to put on our bathing suits and to head out for breakfast.

Along with other groups and instructors, we hop on a boat which will drive us to the first diving site: Mango Bay.
We gear up and jump into the water. Damn, this is the real thing.
We start off with some basic exercices, ajusting and making sure everything is ok.
And off we went! Over the reef! At the bottom of the ocean!

How to describe? I think the scariest part is to go down. As you're descending and equalizing at the same time (so to lessen the pressure in your ears), all I'm thinking is how with every meter, I'm getting further from the surface/safety. And this comes from a girl who knows how to swim and can hold her breath underwater for quite some time. But that's exactly the problem! Rule #1: Never hold your breath while diving because it will cause lung injuries with the pressure.

But once I get used to the fact that I must breathe continuously by the mouth, a whole new world just opens up. To see the coral reefs up close and all the life surrounding them is absolutely incredible. Today's highlights were to spot a fish with giraffe prints on it, being motionless and letting a curious rainbow colored fish swim between my legs twice (I believe it liked me) and getting REAL up close to a massive school of fish. THAT, my friends, is maybe one of the top WOW moments in my life (another one would be strolling in the Djemaa el Fna market in Marrakech). Picture thousands of fish swimming in unison and you're suspended in midwater right under/next/in the middle of this fishy crowd. It's just beautiful. Really.

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