For those who have read "Eat, love, pray", the sequel "Commited" is not as funny and full of adventures. It is more a discussion about the institution of marriage and what it means today. I think it's a good read for anyone confused (me) or who wants to know more about everything related to the history of matrimomy, its social status in different cultures, the consequences of being married on one's life, just to name a few. She also tries to explain why women in Western countries are less interested of going down the aisle than their mothers or grandmothers before them.
Here's an excerpt from the book.
Je n'ai pas encore lu Eat, Pray, Love, mais c'est un projet. Le fait que son 2e livre parle de mariage m'intéresse aussi comme toi, parce que je ne sais tellement pas si je veux me marier. J'ai des envies de robe blanche, mais est-ce que c'est vraiment pour les bonnes raisons, tsé? Un autre bouquin à ajouter à ma longue liste de lecture...