Monday, May 2, 2011

Night Dive

We are officially enrolled in the Advanced Open Water Course. Yup, what it means is that we learn to dive deeper (30 meters instead of 18 meters) and to navigate all by ourselves without a instructor. It seems a bit crazy since we didn't know how to dive at all 5 days ago.

Wow night dive...

As usual, it was scary going down. Even with our torches on. But once down there, it's not pitch black and you get used to the semi-darkness. And what a whole new world! The fish we had seen before were sleeping while other kinds of fish were awake and chasing preys (or being chased at). We've seen baracudas eating smaller fish, giant hermit crabs crawling on the ocean floor as well as loads of stingrays feasting on I-don't-know-what and the cutest porcupinefish floating here and there.

But the best part of the whole dive was when we turned off our torches, let our eyes get used to the environment and then went for a swim. I think it's called planctons. They are fluorescent and glow in the dark. And with every movement, every fin kick, every arm brass, they sway around us like green fairy dust. It was awesome! Abby (our instructor) said it was probably the same feeling as floating in the space.

And just for Nis, planctons don't bite or sting. The sting we were talking about is caused by the bite of a very small kind of sea lices. Seriously, I prefer to keep the image of planctons biting me.

1 comment:

  1. Ça doit être vraiment incroyable comme sensation! Sauf que je ne suis pas sûre que j'essayerais la plongée... je ne nage pas assez bien pour ça. Mais ce que je me demande surtout, c'est où vous prenez votre budget!
