Sunday, June 12, 2011

I recently watched a short documentary about a guy who was volunteering in a turtle rescue center somewhere in India and a lady learning how to take care of elephants in Chiang Mai (Thailand). At some point, the guy went like:"You can know about turtles, see a lot of pictures and know all about the abstract. But it's another thing to see the animal swimming right in front of you." That is not his exact wording, but I can totally relate to the meaning. After seeing with my own 2 eyes the incredible underwater world without a glass wall in front of me, I must say I've gained much more respect and express much more concern towards the creatures and their environment's welfare. Watching them in an aquarium in an artificial bubble gives me the feeling that humans can possess them, own them while swimming right next to them in the natural habitat (without ever touching anything), being simply a guest or a visitor, makes me marvel at the beauty, power and harmony of nature. Now, it actually hurts when I see another diver accidentally kicking off anemones with his fins or when I witness a leaking boat. Diving makes me want to buy bio products and forces me to reflect on the ecological impact of my everyday behavior.

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