Monday, June 6, 2011

To answer some enquiries, I do have pink and grey Columbia trekking shoes. You can check them out on some of my FB pics (or rather Annis' pics of me). Not only are they great for long or steep trails (anti-derapant and I always feel that I'm walking on clouds cuz it's so well cushioned. I don't feel any pain when I bump into stuff which makes me careless), they are also waterproof so I wear them during rainy days, they make me look taller, I never feel my feet go hot (must have airways or something) and I got them on sale in Hong Kong for about 60$CAN (so cheap). The only inconveniences are that they are butt ugly (far from elegant) and a bit bulky in my backpack comparatively to my flipflops or my Birkenstocks. But I like them. They serve me well.

But they would be nothing without a good pair of socks. I got a couple of them in Korea. They are thicker than normal socks, well paded in crucial places like the heel and under the toes and cost me 3$/pair while it's about 15$ or 20$ in Canada. As a result, I can walk for several hours under a bright sun and while I probably sweat, my feet don't smell. At all. I don't understand but that's how it is.

Now I wonder how I could have spent 22 years of my life without these shoes and socks.

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