Monday, December 26, 2011

Almond Brownies

Ma mère ne comprend toujours pas la différence entre un brownie et un gâteau.
But she's definitely team Brownie. Math too.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Journée Kitsch

C'est après avoir fait ma pâte que je me suis rendue compte que non, je n'avais pas de plat à tarte. S'en suit une course folle dans les magasins de cuisine, à travers le centre-ville bondé de gens cherchant des cadeaux à la dernière minute. J'ai trouvé ça plus épuisant que d'aller au gym. Is that why you're so fit Janny?

beautiful Remy Olivier ceramic pie dish 

yes it's my first attempt to make a pie/quiche

Quiche aux champignons et épinards :)

Monday, December 19, 2011

DIY Frenzy

With the cold Canadian weather, I'm in a homey cosy mood. 

If I were less lazy, I would be making stuff like these: 


I believe it would make my friend Banàna very vey happy :)

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Weird Winter Season This Year

From this... 

To this!

In a single day!
Something's definitely wrong with our climate...

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Saturday Morning

Malgré que je n'ai pas de cadeaux à offrir, j'ai tout de même voulu essayer de fabriquer un chou comme LaGraphiste sur son site Internet

C'était hyper facile et très amusant (J'écoutais un épisode de Australia's Next Top Model en même temps. You know, multi-tasking).

And then, I baked a cake(d) for Stef and Cristina's birthday. Just to make it a surprise, I'll time this post to appear after 8pm :)

before the icing

after the icing

Mamma I Made Lasagna!



sauce I have previously frozen


pour gratiner

Dinner is ready!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

My boys ;)

My top 5 right now ;)







Pour mon amie qui aime les champignons: ModCloth

Snowcapped Shiitakes Ornament Set

Truffle Shuffle Shakers
Key Cover
Something is Brewing in the Wood Mug

Garden Hangout Door Hook Set
Bento Box
Holiday Fun-gi Ornaments
Mushroom and Board Hook
Shining Shiitake Lamp Set

Tout provient du site ModCloth.

Monday, December 5, 2011


Le temps est une ressource qu'on ne peut accumulé ou emmagasiné. 
Mais c'est aussi une richesse.

Et la partie 2.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Mental Fitness

Working at the Neuro-Resource center, I have access to very helpful books. Some make me really sad, such as the one called "Ma maman ourse est partie", a book to help children deal with the death of their moms. I thought that I could't find something to cheer me up or to help me with my life decisions, when I came accross a book called "Managing your mind: The mental fitness guide, develop your full potential" by Butler and Hope, 2nd Edition. I am only at the page 69, but it already helped me to focus more on my goals and to start managing my time and mental energy better.

Here are a few great quotes/ advice:

- Changing our reactions to external events is one of the most effective ways we can change our experience of life.

- Every yes is a no to something else

- Make time to plan

- Most strengths are weaknesses and most weaknesses are strengths

All of which were added to my little yellow Banana Shake notebook that I just bought to write in reminders like these or philosophical questions.

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Yili, tu cherchais une maîtrise?

Morning Treat

These are my new favorite muesli: Dorset Cereals
Really, they're fabulous.
Especially with raspberry, cherry or blueberry yogurt, or simply milk.
And a whole banana or apple.

"There are many simple pleasures in life – walking bare foot in the morning dew, a friendly smile from someone you have never met and eating a bowl of simply delicious muesli. Add whatever you like; chopped bananas, fresh strawberries or just some ice-cold milk. Simply Delicious Muesli is a scrumptious blend of raisins, sultanas, sunflower seeds, dates, brazil nuts and roasted hazelnuts with multi-grain flakes. Simple, but then the best things in life usually are."